#16 - Victoria Vanstone - Coke and Cuddles AF!

Midlife AF Episode 16 - Coke & Cuddles AF!


This week I am talking to the wonderful Victoria Vanstone, who has been prominent in the Alcohol Free and sober-curious space for quite a few years.

In my eyes, she’s well and truly hit gold Celeb status, because when I stopped drinking in 2020 she was one of the very few people ‘out there’ in Australia who were speaking out and having a positive presence on alcohol free living.

To me, Victoria WAS that presence, and she has since grown an incredible community, a hugely successful blog, not to mention a podcast and two-book publishing deal to boot.

The ultimate sober gal with it all!

In this episode, we talk about social awkwardness, feeling the responsibility for everybody else's experience, as well as touching on the important topic of emotional sobriety.

You’ll also discover:

  • What you can expect to experience in social settings when you embark on your journey of sobriety and tips for having an exit strategy if needed
  • Strategies for setting and maintaining social boundaries (even the hardest ones with family and loved ones)
  • Why promiscuity and ‘abandoning’ ourselves is a common experience for many addicts, and how to forgive yourself and move forward with your precious self in tow

We also discuss the positive impact of having a sober community to simultaneously support and lean on as you embrace an alcohol-free life.

“Don't give a party girl a line of coke. Give her a cuddle”


If you aren’t ready to stop drinking but want to make some positive steps to a healthier relationship or prepare for taking a break with alcohol download my FREE Awareness Worksheets: https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/pl/2147565979


If you need a quick reset or you want to get to know me and my methodology a bit more before you take a plunge into a longer program the 5 Day Alcohol Reset Program could be what you are looking for check it out here: https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/five-day-alcohol-reset-copy-1


Ready to hit the ‘stop’ button in 2023? Here is the link to my new self-paced, start when you are ready Aussie Alcohol Experiment.  If you can’t wait until March to join our ‘Live’ version of the Great Aussie Alcohol Experiment then here it is: https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/aae


Learn more about Emma at: www.hoperisingcoaching.com

Follow Emma on insta @hoperisingcoaching


Learn more about Victoria at www.drunkmummysobermummy.com

Follow Victoria on insta @drunkmummysobermummy
Victoria’s podcast is called Sober Awkward

Join Victoria’s community at www.cuppa.community


Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midlife-af-podcast/id1649673705


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