#53 Intentional AF

On this week's episode of Midlife AF, I'm diving deep into the transformative power of intention in midlife. We're tackling the topic of alcohol freedom, self-awareness, creativity, and more. No guests today, just me sharing insights and experiences that can help you navigate this incredible journey called midlife.

Episode Highlights Include:

1. Intention and alcohol freedom in midlife

⭐️ The significance of intention in midlife.
⭐️ Reflecting on alcohol consumption in our journey.

2. Visualisation and goal-setting

⭐️ My personal journey with "The Secrets" and personal development.
⭐️ Using a visualisation tool for personal growth.
⭐️ The role of imagination and intuition in your AF journey

3. Neurodiversity, trauma, and self-awareness

⭐️ Emotionally intelligent parenting and body-centered therapy.
⭐️ Learning to be with oneself safely and understanding personal power.

4. Female empowerment, alcohol and relationships

⭐️ Addressing the stigma around women's experiences during perimenopause and menopause.
⭐️ Setting intentions for a fulfilling life without relying on alcohol.
⭐️ Balancing personal well-being and family responsibilities.

5. Harnessing creativity and potential in midlife

⭐️ My journey toward self-discovery and creativity through alcohol-free activities.
⭐️ Unlocking infinite potential through intention and abundance.
⭐️ Encouragement to embrace your emotions and find your true north.

Join me on this journey through midlife as we explore the power of intention, creativity, and breaking free from the hold of alcohol. It's all about living life to the fullest and embracing the incredible potential within you.

Remember, you're Midlife AF, and you've got this!


  1. Get Emma's NEW Visualisation audio download at https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/northstarvisualisation 
  2. Join Emma and a brilliant group of people at The Pub With No Booze for their famous tasting event on October 14 - https://www.meetup.com/untoxicated-booze-free-fun-and-friendship-melbourne/events/295945313/?_xtd=gqFyqTMwMTUzMDg4N6Fwo2FwaQ%253D%253D&from=ref 
  3. Emma's Awareness worksheets for people wanting to prepare prior to taking a break from drinking or reduce their drinking by being more mindful about what and why they drink https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/awareness-worksheets-opt-in
  4. Emma's 5 Day Alcohol Reset for people looking to take a quick reset https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/fivedayreset
  5. Sober October is here - join The Self-Paced Great Aussie Alcohol Experiment at https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/aae

Learn more about Emma Gilmour at: www.hoperisingcoaching.com
Follow Emma Gilmour on insta @hoperisingcoaching

Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midlife-af-podcast/id1649673705


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