#67 Open AF

In this episode, I chat with Rebecca Jade, a doctor of Chinese medicine and acupuncture as well as a meditation and yoga teacher. We discuss the benefits of yin yoga and how it can be used as a form of medicine to address physical and mental health issues.

We also touch on the importance of having practices like yoga and meditation to support an alcohol-free life.

Episode Highlights:

  • Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga that focuses on long holds to promote fascia release and nourishment of joints
  • It can be used to address specific health issues by targeting relevant meridian points and poses - Practices like yin yoga and meditation are important to have as "scaffolding" to support life without relying on coping mechanisms like alcohol
  • Community and shared experiences, like those offered in Rebecca's classes, can help people feel less alone and more able to sit with difficult emotions


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