#86 AF Stories

This week I chat with Victoria Vanstone from Drunk Mummy, Sober Mummy and Sober Awkward about the importance of storytelling in our alcohol-free lives. We discuss how sharing our stories helps others feel less alone and more empowered to make changes.

Episode highlights include:

  • Storytelling is a huge part of this work. Sharing our experiences helps normalizse conversations around moderation and sobriety.

  • Telling my story helped me process my journey and showed me how many others were desperate to hear stories outside of AA meetings or rock bottoms.

  • Consistently sharing our stories through good and bad keeps us accountable to our sobriety and empowers us to keep choosing ourselves.

Let me show you how easy it can be to go from feeling tired, bloated, overwhelmed and slugglish to jubilantly full of beans and ready to take on the world with my program of events leading up the the 30 day Great Aussie Alcohol Experiment this May.

🤸‍♀️ FREE Masterclass: Drink Less The Easy Way - 22nd May 7pm (AEST) https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/masterclass

🤸‍♀️ Drink Less, Feel Fabulous - 5 Day Reset - LIVE! 27th-31st May 7-8pm (AEST) https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/reset

🤸‍♀️ The 30 Day Great Aussie Alcohol Experiment - LIVE! 3rd June - 3rd July 2024 - 7pm nightly (optional) 

⭐ Learn more about Emma at: www.hoperisingcoaching.com 
⭐ Follow Emma on insta @hoperisingcoaching
⭐ Learn more about Victoria at www.drunkmummysobermummy.com 
⭐ Follow Victoria on insta @drunkmummysobermummy 
⭐ Victoria’s podcast is called Sober Awkward
⭐ Join Victoria’s community at www.cuppa.community 
Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midlife-af-podcast/id1649673705 


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