#101 Served AF

In this episode of Midlife AF, I dive deep into the topic of servitude - the conditioning many of us, especially women, experience to put the needs of others before our own. I share how this belief system can lead to burnout, resentment, and the need to numb out with alcohol. I challenge the notion that we must always be selfless, and emphasize the importance of putting our own needs first in order to live a fulfilling, alcohol-free life. Through personal stories and insights from my coaching work, I explore how breaking free from the cycle of servitude is key to our liberation and healing.

Key Takeaways:

  • The belief that we must always put others before ourselves is a form of conditioning, often passed down through generations of women.
  • This servitude mentality can lead to exhaustion, resentment, and the use of alcohol as a way to cope.
  • In order to live an authentic, alcohol-free life, we must learn to matter most to ourselves - our needs, boundaries, and self-care must take priority.
  • Unlearning the habit of people-pleasing and saying "no" can be incredibly difficult, as we fear being seen as selfish or unlovable.
  • Connecting to our deeper feelings and inner child can help us overcome the fear and shame around prioritizing ourselves.
  • Cultivating self-compassion and unconditional self-love is essential for breaking free from the cycle of servitude.
  • When we put ourselves first, we not only heal ourselves, but create a ripple effect of transformation for those around us.

Episode links & Resources

My Upcoming Coached Events & Programs

Work with me privately: I have two options for my private 1:1 coaching you can either do a 30 day break with me as your pocket PT with my Em G in Your Pocket package.

Or you can do a longer more in-depth 3 month program with me which includes weekly zoom sessions and support in between.

I recommend doing this is you are worried you can’t do a 30 break from booze or you haven’t done one for a while.

Preparation is everything and we get you so damn ready to stop it’s a relief when day 1 arrives!

If you are not sure what the best options for you might be you can book an initial 1:1 counselling/ coaching session at $245 for a 90 minute initial consult - you will leave with a plan for your next steps with alcohol and having transformed at least on belief that is keeping you stuck drinking more than you want.

If you choose to work with me in a 1:1 30 day or 3 month program - the cost of the initial consult will be refunded: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=20808150&appointmentType=43677625 

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