#102 Sourced AF

In this episode, I discuss the profound concept of "returning to source" - the idea that at our core, we are inherently good and have the capacity to nurture and heal ourselves. 

I delve into the societal conditioning that often leads us to believe we are broken or unworthy, and how this mindset can fuel our reliance on external crutches like alcohol. I share the importance of cultivating self-love, presence, and the understanding that we already possess everything we need within ourselves.

Throughout the episode, I encourage you to embrace the journey of self-discovery and to recognise your inherent goodness and capacity for healing.

Key Takeaways:

  • The concept of "returning to source" is about unmasking and reconnecting with the human being we were meant to be, before societal conditioning told us we were not good enough.
  • At our core, we are inherently good and have the capacity to nurture and heal ourselves, rather than relying on external crutches like alcohol.
  • Societal expectations and the pressure to conform can lead to the development of coping mechanisms and limiting beliefs that no longer serve us, especially in midlife.
  • The journey of self-discovery and learning to hold ourselves with unconditional positive regard is both terrifying and incredibly exciting.
  • Upcoming programs like the Great Aussie Alcohol Experiment and a masterclass on the benefits of taking a break from alcohol can provide valuable support and guidance on this transformative path.
  • Embracing our authentic selves and recognising our inherent goodness is the key to lasting change and fulfilment.

Episode links & Resources

My Upcoming Coached Events & Programs

Wishing you could stop at that elusive 2nd glass of wine instead of finishing the bottle?

Let me show you how easy it can be to go from feeling tired, bloated, overwhelmed and slugglish to jubilantly full of beans and ready to take on the world with my Masterclass & 30 day Great Aussie Alcohol Experiment this Sept/October.

🤸‍♀️ FREE Masterclass: 5 Suprising Ways Taking A Break From Booze Can Be Effortless and Change your Life: Wednesday 25th September 7pm Replays Available https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/sep24masterclassreg

🤸‍♀️ The 30 Day Great Aussie Alcohol Experiment - LIVE! Monday 30th September-29th October 2024 - 7pm nightly (optional) https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/the_great_aussie_alcohol_experiment

Feel healthier, sleep better and get more done!



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