#109 Unbroken AF

In this episode, I discuss the important concept of not being "broken" and the harmful societal narratives that tell us we need to fix or control ourselves, especially when it comes to our relationship with alcohol. I share my personal journey of overcoming these beliefs and how my programs are designed to help people build emotional safety, self-compassion, and an authentic connection with themselves - rather than focusing solely on abstinence. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Society has conditioned us to believe that if we have an issue with alcohol, it is our personal fault and we are "broken" - this narrative is harmful and untrue
  • Alcohol is chemically designed to make us want more, exploiting our natural reward systems, yet the alcohol industry shifts the blame to the individual
  • Many of our insecurities and feelings of unworthiness stem from childhood conditioning and the concept of "original sin" - the belief that there is something inherently wrong with human beings
  • True healing and change comes from building emotional safety, self-compassion, and an authentic connection with ourselves - not from a focus on abstinence or "fixing" ourselves
  • My programs are about so much more than just alcohol; they guide people to unpack their core wounds, triggers, and unhealthy coping mechanisms to rediscover their essential, worthy selves

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