Your Summer Success

Do you want to get back to you?

The YOU you feel proud of?

The YOU who feels well, motivated and powerful?

Right in time for Summer!


Grab the Summer Success Bundle NOW 

The seasonal success pack to see you right!


Your Summer Success

Do you want to get back to you?

The YOU you feel proud of?

The YOU who feels well, motivated and powerful?

Right in time for Summer!


Grab the Summer Success Bundle NOW 

The seasonal success pack to see you right!



Break free of the “will I, won’t I”
Internal friction booze creates

Wake up and not be a dick to yourself?


Summer is just around the corner
The timing has never been better for a 30 day alcohol free reset

Anyone else feeling overwhelmed exhausted and stuck in a winter rut?

Every buggar wants a piece of you.

Wine feels like the only way to get you through the overwhelm.

Your morning practices seem like they belong to a different person.

Who the hell was she?

It’s time to get yourself back!




No one needs another thing to ‘try’ and do - we have enough on our plates. This first part is just about observing yourself - David Attenborough style - in your “natural environment”. Stop trying to stop and restrict for a few days and just be. There is so much to be gained from this.

Start exactly where you are - but without the mean girl inner dialogue - transform that into awareness with my awareness worksheets. Take a few days to mindfully drink and pay attention to what why and how you drink. All change happens on the other side of awareness.


How can we relax and look forward to something unless we know how we want to feel at the end of it?

My whole life changed because of a visualisation practice. I was stuck and I started to imagine how I wanted to feel, I began to imagine the details. Then piece by piece the universe aligned to bring me what I asked for.

We can’t go anywhere if we are afraid of what it might be like. What if it was everything you ever dreamed it could be? What would that look like?

This Your North Star Visualisation takes 30 minutes and gets you to imagine the detail of a week day and a weekend at the end of having taken a 30 day break from booze. As Mr Miyagi would say ‘Daniel-San, now you are ready’


The 30 Day Aussie Alcohol Experiment - Self Paced consists of three preparation videos with journaling prompts -then when you are ready you select your start date you will start to receive daily videos and journalling prompts do both everyday to transform your relationship with alcohol.

The program is my version of this Naked Mind’s Alcohol Experiment with a midlife - British/Aussie - vibe. I love this program so much, it is what finally got me to that elusive ‘take it or leave it’ relationship with alcohol. After completing it I took a year off booze and trained in the method that brought me freedom from alcohol.

For just $40 you can get back to YOU!

I Want Summer Success!


Break free of the
“will I, won’t I”
Internal friction booze creates

Wake up and not be a dick to yourself?

Summer is just around the corner
The timing has never been better for a 30 day alcohol free reset

Anyone else feeling overwhelmed exhausted and stuck in a winter rut?

Every buggar wants a piece of you.

Wine feels like the only way to get you through the overwhelm.

Your morning practices seem like they belong to a different person.

Who the hell was she?

It’s time to get yourself back!




No one needs another thing to ‘try’ and do - we have enough on our plates. This first part is just about observing yourself - David Attenborough style - in your “natural environment”. Stop trying to stop and restrict for a few days and just be. There is so much to be gained from this.

Start exactly where you are - but without the mean girl inner dialogue - transform that into awareness with my awareness worksheets. Take a few days to mindfully drink and pay attention to what why and how you drink. All change happens on the other side of awareness.


How can we relax and look forward to something unless we know how we want to feel at the end of it?

My whole life changed because of a visualisation practice. I was stuck and I started to imagine how I wanted to feel, I began to imagine the details. Then piece by piece the universe aligned to bring me what I asked for.

We can’t go anywhere if we are afraid of what it might be like. What if it was everything you ever dreamed it could be? What would that look like?

This Your North Star Visualisation takes 30 minutes and gets you to imagine the detail of a week day and a weekend at the end of having taken a 30 day break from booze. As Mr Miyagi would say ‘Daniel-San, now you are ready’


The 30 Day Aussie Alcohol Experiment - Self Paced consists of three preparation videos with journaling prompts -then when you are ready you select your start date you will start to receive daily videos and journalling prompts do both everyday to transform your relationship with alcohol.

The program is my version of this Naked Mind’s Alcohol Experiment with a midlife - British/Aussie - vibe. I love this program so much, it is what finally got me to that elusive ‘take it or leave it’ relationship with alcohol. After completing it I took a year off booze and trained in the method that brought me freedom from alcohol.

For just $50 you can get back to YOU!

I Want Summer Success!

Clarity, Healing, Vitality

By the end of this 30 day program you will feel...

More like your old self, you will have more clarity around what your body
needs next to further heal and regain your vitality 

READY to step into summer!

You will understand why alcohol tightened its grip on you, have experienced the impact of a 30 day break in your body and soul and have a clear path to your next step. Be it unchanged, moderation, sober curiosity, or a longer break off the booze

I cannot recommend these three processes done together more highly.

This will be the best $40 you ever spent!


Clarity, Healing,

By the end of this 30 day program you will feel...

More like your old self, you will have more clarity around what your body needs next to further heal and regain your vitality 

READY to step into summer!

You will understand why alcohol tightened its grip on you, have experienced the impact of a 30 day break in your body and soul and have a clear path to your next step. Be it unchanged, moderation, sober curiosity, or a longer break off the booze

I cannot recommend these three processes done together more highly.

This will be the best $50 you ever spent!


Hi I'm Emma!

A deeply feminist counsellor and coach, helping mid-life bad ass women find their groove without booze.

The having it all myth...

The pressure on women in mid-life is insane.

We grew up with Madonna on our Walkmans, 'Working Girl' at the cinema and 'we can have it all' expectations.

Fast forward twenty years and we have been all the things the mum, the wife, the career woman. 

Running full throttle on caffeine, booze and adrenaline for so long, we are literally ‘Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown’.

It all came to a head for me in 2018 when I suffered burnout from years of chronic stress and I had to leave my corporate career.

After, countless drunken cab rides and trips to the emergency, my eldest child told me to stop bringing wine into the bedroom at storytime as it was making them feel anxious, it really hit home...

I retrained as a counsellor and psychotherapist, stopped drinking and became an alcohol coach to help other women on the same trajectory.

Awareness ~ Visualisation ~ Action

Regain your Vitality


Get yourself back and ready to step into summer





Regain your Vitality

Get yourself back and ready to step into summer


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